Friday, February 8, 2013

Jakarta needs more trees

This is a small sloping park located across from Sudirman train station in Jakarta. Train commuters who get off and head to Hotel Indonesia traffic circle from the station will surely pass it to get to the overhead street. The park is quiet during work hour and it's not a recreational park during holidays.

I like seeing the the green around here and imagine if there will be more and more of the like around Jakarta. Yes, when you're mobile and get tired of your routine, you can drop by in a park and have a rest for a while.

Unfortunately. green areas in Jakarta are extremely limited. Man think money first rather than preserve nature. The permit for new business buildings have been issued for the sake of the development.
Then when disaster comes, we never learn from this classic mistake. The floods stop you from mobility, grumbles comes up only  as a useless dissatisfaction, but the initiative for improvement usually comes late or almost nothing. Well, have a rest here for a while at this blog and keep up with more updates of candid pictures.


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